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GlobalMyCreate Memory

Judith Erny Walter

Dennis Walter

0 141 0 1

Heather Ann Conger

Scott Conger

0 269 0 1

~ U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee


0 20 0 1

Steven Robert Owens

Kayla Hanley

0 41 0 1

Leroy Grant

Alisa Grant

0 56 0 1

~ Naomi Pomeroy


0 31 0 1

~ Bob Newhart


0 23 0 1

James Patrick Maloney

Nicole Giamarino

0 333 0 1

Jenny Rodriguez Gonzalez

Emmanuelle Rodriguez

0 25 0 1

~ Evan Wright


0 23 0 1

~ Peter Buxtun


0 22 0 1

Howard Russell Harding

Crystal Southall

0 27 0 1

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